About «Dialogue of Cultures - United World» Fund

Each culture is a combination of unique traditions, customs and holidays; it is age-old wisdom passed on from generation to generation; it is galaxies of outstanding writers, artists, musicians and scientists; it is particular philosophy, vision and thinking - everything that adds beauty, depth and complexity to the world around us being the source of daily inspiration for some of us. Preservation and development of national cultures is a noble task of humankind.

Today humankind faces the challenge of globalization associated with massive expansion of political and economic spaces, as well as unprecedented informational openness. Unfortunately, the other side of these processes is rapid Westernization of cultures representing the borrowing of cultural models from Western models. Meanwhile, such borrowing leads to the unification of cultural institutions and gradual loss of cultural diversity and identity of the peoples.

«Dialogue of Cultures - United World» Foundation preserves and popularizes the historical identity of ethnic groups living in the modern world and creates instruments for peoples’ cultural rapprochement.

Since its establishment in 2005, the International Charitable Public Foundation “Dialogue of Cultures - United World” has implemented more than 550 projects in 85 countries. The main activities are creation of platforms for live dialogue between cultures, installation of monuments and sculptural compositions as well as education.

The Foundation cooperates with 140 embassies and foreign offices located in the territory of the Russian Federation. More than 90 foreign embassies and offices located in the territories of other states supported projects of the Foundation.

As part of its activities, the Foundation is actively cooperating with the UN, Alliance of Civilizations, UNESCO, UNESCO Moscow Office, Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, Russian Geographical Society, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Cooperation Organization (Federal Agency for the Commonwealth Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation), Russian Association for International Cooperation, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia), People’s Friendship University of Russia, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian World Foundation and many other state and public institutions and organizations.

Projects of the Foundation received the support of UNESCO, Alliance of Civilizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Russian Cooperation Organization, Russian Geographical Society, Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation. In 2015, the Foundation was awarded a special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

Today humankind faces the challenge of globalization associated with massive expansion of political and economic spaces, as well as unprecedented informational openness. Unfortunately, the other side of globalization represents an endless chain of political, economic and national contradictions, which can be eliminated in the only possible way - through the art of dialogue. «Dialogue of Cultures - United World» Foundation preserves and popularizes the historical identity of ethnic groups living in the modern world and creates instruments for peoples’ cultural rapprochement by creating platforms for live dialogue of cultures around the world.

  • Diversity and beauty of cultures is an endless source of inspiration and new discoveries.
  • Each aspect of each culture is unique. Concern for the preservation and development of the cultural heritage of humankind in all its diversity and identity is a noble task of all nations of the earth.
  • World of the future is a unity of unique and equality of different cultures.
  • World of the future is a world with preserved historical diversity of human cultures in all their manifestations without being contrary to the principles of good and justice.
  • World of the future is a world of harmony between man and nature.

  • We create and maintain ethnic spaces to ensure development of each culture in harmony with the natural environment.
  • We save and popularize traditional cultures and heritage of different peoples of the world.
  • We teach ethnic tolerance in society through programs to promote mutual understanding and strengthen the friendship between peoples.


Currently, representative offices of the Foundation are opened in Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic.