Projects of the Fund
Since its establishment in 2005, «Dialogue of Cultures - United World» Fund has implemented more than 450 projects in different countries. The Fund works closely with international organizations, state authorities of the Russian Federation and Russian non-governmental organizations, educational institutions in the field of international cooperation, culture and education.
Partners of the Fund include the UN, Alliance of Civilizations, UNESCO, Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, Russian Geographical Society (RGS), Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Russian Cooperation Organization), Russian Association of International Cooperation, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Association of Foreign Students and many others.
The Bust of Yuri Gagarin
In 2017, the Fund intends to install the busts of Y. Gagarin in a number of educational institutions, parks …
Festival of the Russian Geographical Society
«Dialogue of Cultures - United World» Fund took an active part in the Festival of the Russian Geographical …
Kaluga Tourism Forum
Annual event dedicated to the development of culture and tourism in the regions of Russia.
Projects of the Fund
- «Commonwealth Youth Days» International Camp
- «Downside Up» Fund Charity Bike Ride
- «Russian Language - Russian Soul» International Festival
- All-russian Folk festival 2012 in «ETNOMIR»
- «Russia - Dialogue Without Borders» project
- Monument to Yuriy Gagarin
- Monument to Mikhail Lomonosov
- The Monument to Mother Teresa
- Monument to Lev Gumilyov
- Monument to Four Sages of the Eastern Hemisphere
- Pedagogical technologies festival in ETNOMIR
- Annual calendar of holidays established by UNESCO
- The Bust of Yuri Gagarin
- Bust of Lev Gumilyov